Wednesday 18 January 2017

The Physics Behind The Tool Chest Scene: Home Alone 2
In case you've forgotten the scene... 

Vibrations and Waves in accordance to this scene...
In this scene, as Marv and Harry wait by the door, listening and trying to decipher what it is that is "making that noise", physics tells us how the "noise" is a sound that is formed by some type of vibration. These vibrations formed by the movement of the tool chest falling down the stairs, in this case, are called transverse vibration since the object is moving across the rest line, even if a full cycle has not occurred. 

What can be assumed is that... 
Since frequency and period of a vibration can be defined with the equation, f = 1/t and according to the video clip, it takes the tool chest about 14 seconds to fall down the flight of stairs. 

Frequency can be determined by...
f = 1/t
  = 1/14
∴f = 0.07 Hz

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